new 4 million call for tenders for businesses and social cooperatives, applications from 28 May to 14 June

The new regional call for proposals worth 28 million euros dedicated to businesses and social cooperatives will be active from 14 May to 4 June“, to announce it is the Councillor Delegate for Economic Development and ERDF Programming Alessio Piana, following the approval by executive decree of the measure under action 1.3.2 of the PR FESR 2021-2027.

Cooperation and social enterprises have an indispensable role for the Ligurian community. Not only to be a model of development and attention to people, but also as an economic, productive and employment engine – adds Councilor Piana – The commitment of the Liguria Region, as confirmed by this new measure, is to continue to support the sector, thanks also to the fruitful dialogue with the chamber system and with the trade associations“.

The incentive consists of a 50% non-repayable grant, for investments of no less than 30 thousand euros (maximum grant: 100 thousand euros). Social enterprises registered in the dedicated section of the Chamber of Commerce business register, social cooperatives and their consortia can apply. To be eligible, investment programs may concern the purchase of: buildings already constructed, company land (limit of 10% of the total), machinery, equipment, furnishings, computer programs, patents, know-how licenses, mobile vehicles (only if exclusively serving the production facility, up to a maximum of 30% of eligible expenditure) and consultancy services (limit of 10% of the total). Expenses initiated starting from 1 June 2024 are also permitted.

Applications must be submitted exclusively online, by accessing the Filse “Bandi On Line” system, from 28 May to 14 June (offline procedure from 2 April).

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